About Our Pastor
Pastor Johnny Childers is currently serving as the Senior Pastor of Living Waters Church. He graduated from Knott County Central High School in 1984 and attended Alice Lloyd college from 1984-1987. He is currently pursuing his Masters in Pastoral Leadership. He was married to Elizabeth A. Couch in 1987 and have four wonderful children, Zachary and wife Bekka, Micah, and Jadyn.
In addition to his pastorate, he is serving as the Regional District Pastor for 14 churches and as a Board Member for the Heart of Florida Youth Ranch. He has served as a Church of God State Council member and has served on other various boards and committees.
His experience includes over 25 years with the Church of God Ministry based in Cleveland, TN with the majority of those years serving as a senior pastor. He has had seven years experience in administrative work with the International and State Executive offices. Due to his service in these areas, he has been connected to multiple city, state and national leaders.
He is recognized first and foremost as the Lead Pastor of Living Waters Church and as a respected leader in the Marion County community.
About Our Church
Living Waters has been an established church for approximately 60 years in the Ocala, Central Florida area. It has been a strong influence in the community for many years.