We believe Women’s Ministry is for all women. Its purpose is to encourage spiritual growth, personal development, and leadership among women and to contribute to the general welfare of the home, church, community and world.
We encourage all ladies to get involved in the church and community doing something that will help; not only someone else in need, but will help further God’s Kingdom. Everywhere we turn today there are people in need. There is nothing more satisfying and fulfilling than to know you have helped someone, somewhere: in an individual situation, or joined together with others in a combined project to better a cause or help better someone’s life. The ladies here at Living Waters Church love women and want to help them reach beyond themselves to touch lives because it is there we have found the heart of God. While we are reaching out and helping others with their need, God is meeting ours. What an amazing God! We pray if you do not have a church home and are looking, that you will take the opportunity to come and visit with us at Living Waters. We are all about loving people!
Upcoming Events:

Woman’s Bible Study
Every 3rd Wednesday | 6:30pm | LWC Main Foyer